Dr. Donkersgoed specializes in dental implant placement surgery. With his surgical skills and the advanced technology at Bee Creek Dental, we ensure the best results for your treatment, and can restore your smile permanently.
We work with high-tech dental labs to develop natural, long-lasting dental implant restorations, such as dental crowns for single-tooth dental implants. Since we offer both implant placements and restorations under one roof, we make it easy for you to get dental implants in Spicewood.
You’ll need to continue brushing and flossing regularly, and you’ll also come into our office for implant maintenance every six months. Dr. Donkersgoed will check on your implant as well as your natural teeth, clean them, and make sure your smile is healthy and strong.
Single-tooth implants are usually the right type of implant for most patients who are missing one or several teeth. However, if you are missing lots of teeth, you may be a good candidate for implant-supported bridges, or full-mouth implant-supported dentures. Schedule a consultation at Bee Creek Dental now, and see which type of implant is right for you.