Dental Implants: What To Expect When Getting Surgery

Dental implants are a permanent solution to replace damaged or missing teeth. They are artificial teeth designed to mimic the look and function of natural teeth and offer a modern alternative to dentures and bridgework.

If you’re missing one or more teeth, a dental implant can be an excellent way to replace the teeth and restore your smile. But if you’re like most patients, you’re probably wondering what the dental implant process entails. Keep reading to understand dental implants and learn what to expect when getting surgery.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small metal posts that are installed into your jawbone to act as the roots of missing or damaged teeth. They provide a foundation for a dental prosthesis, like a bridge, crown, or denture. However, dental implant surgery can be complex and may involve multiple procedures. These procedures are classified into three stages:

  • Pre-surgery appointment
  • The actual surgery
  • Healing and follow-up appointments

What To Expect During The Pre-Surgery Phase

Pre-surgery consultations involve a series of processes to prepare for your surgery. During this phase, you’ll need to see a dentist for a complete exam of your oral health to determine if you are a candidate for dental implant surgery. The dentist will assess your jawbone, teeth, gums, and other dental structures to check the severity of the problem.

What To Expect During Dental Implant Surgery

During your surgery, you can expect to experience some discomfort around the treated area. Fortunately, most dentists offer sedation dentistry to help reduce this discomfort. Dental implant surgery is a two-step process.

The first step involves the dentist placing the implant into your jawbone through a gum incision. The implant is left to heal and integrate with the jaw for several months. Once the site has healed, an abutment is attached to the implant to act as a connecting piece between the metal post and the final restoration. 

What To Expect During The Healing Process

Your dentist will prescribe antibiotics to help manage any pain or discomfort you may experience during the healing process. Once the implant is fully integrated with the bone, it’s time to attach a denture or a crown to the implant. Your dentist may need to perform additional surgery or stitches to attach the appliance to the implant.

The healing process can take about six to eight months. It is important to follow your dentist’s after-surgery care instructions carefully. And this may include practicing proper dental hygiene habits, avoiding certain foods, and taking medications.

Get Dental Implants At Bee Creek Dental

Ready for dental implants in Spicewood, TX? Our team at Bee Creek Dental can help you get dental implants to transform and restore your smile. Contact us at (512) 266-6366 to book an appointment with Dr. Richard Donkersgoed and discuss your dental implant needs.

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